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Membership Pricing


Make meaningful connections

With members from Melbourne to Mumbai and San Francisco to Santiago covering every climate space — from tech to finance to policy — you'll have access to entirely new networks and opportunities.


There are great benefits to your Climate & Capital Connect membership:​

  • Climate matches. Match for 1:1 meetings with other professionals around the world who live and breathe climate and sustainability.


  • Connect Live Talks. A new series featuring Connect thought leaders sharing insights and candid perspectives on everything from policy to tech to investments. Ask questions during the Q&A.


  • Global climate journalism. Sign up for a free membership at our sister venture, Climate & Capital Media, for independent journalism focused on the climate economy.


  • And more... Our vision for Connect is bigger than simply matching: We see the promise of a platform that redefines what networking means to us, that improves both process and access, and that fundamentally changes the dynamic of our relationships with the people we draw on in our work. 

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